Ezekiel "Zeke" Dimaguila of Australia was the second evictee of Pinoy Big Brother Season 2. He left the house Saturday after having the lowest number of text and online votes, 15.67%of total votes, though not necessarily a low percentage, but it was the lowest among other votes of the four nominees.
Some housemates were upset with the results. I just don't understand why some were crying, others were reminiscing how Ezekiel had been nice to them, and could not accept that the Australian hottie had to go.

Were they really sad to see Zeke go? or were they guilty that they voted him out? I just didn't like to see Wendy, Bruce, Gee-Ann and Dionne crying and showing some great concern about Ezekiel's departure, when in fact they were ones of those who nominated Ezekiel for eviction.
Here's a recap of the 2nd Nomination Night.
Bea nominated Dionne Saicy
Bodie Bruce Maricris
Bruce Ezekiel Wendy
Dionne Ezekiel Nel
Gee-Ann Wendy Ezekiel
Kian Wendy Mickey
Maricris Ezekiel Bruce
Mickey Ezekiel Saicy
Nel Bodie Dionne
Robert Ezekiel Bodie
Saicy Gee-Ann Ezekiel
Wendy Gee-Ann Ezekiel
It can be recalled that during the 1st eviction when Jasmin Engracia had to go, Wendy also showed deep concern and even gave some compliments for Jasmin, but she was one of those who nominated her for eviction.
Related articles:
Pinoy Big Brother Season 2: 2nd Nomination Night
Say Goodbye to Jasmin
Kian's Immunity
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/04/housemates-are-sick-for-zeke.html
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