Big Brother Slovenia had its nominations yesterday, and four names were announced as the official nominees for eviction this week: Jasmina, Miha, Andrej and Alen.
Who nominated who?
Here's my own interpretation of the article in 24ur.com:
Stane nominated Alen because the latter doesn't contribute help whenever there is a problem in the house. He also picked Jasmina as one of the nominees, because he feels Jasmina doesn't exist in the house, she stays silent whenever there are issues. (Mykiru: But they usually have sweet moments together just like on the pic below, where Stane is wrapped under Jasmina's chests)

Andrej nominated Jasmina because she spoke the whole week that she wanted to go home and Tina, because after coming back from the Philippines, she feels like going home soon.
Alen on one hand chose Andrej because of a cooking issue, and Jasmina because she wishes to go home any moment.
Tjasa nominated Miha and Alen while Miha nominated Filipinized Tina, because he was hurt when Tina said that she likes Pinoy Big Brother house more than Slovenian Big Brother House. He also cited Alen to be nominated.
Stripper Jasmina nominated Miha because she finds him so strange and speaks to things without sense and connection. She also nominated Andrej.
Fresh from the Philippines, Tina nominated Miha because she doesn't get along with him, and Miha causes conflicts in the house. She also nominated Andrej, because Andrej doesn't speak good Slovene, thus he doesn't talk with her that much.
Both Andrej and Miha expressed that they were offended to hear about Tina praising more her experiences in the Philippines than her stay in the Big Brother Slovenia.
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/04/tina-praises-for-philippines-don-sound.html
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