Who Is More Beautiful? Sanjaya Or His Sister?

    As Sanjaya Malakar become more popular in American Idol Season 6, his sister Shyamali Malakar is also gaining popularity on Tv and on the internt.

    Shyamali, along with other family members, is always given wide exposure on TV, seen on the audience week after week, everytime Sanjaya performs on stage.

    Sanjaya and Shyamali are heating up the internet searches these days.

    Both Sanjaya and Shayamali also auditioned for American Idol Season 6, but it was Sanjaya who has gone this far. According to some who have seen Shayamali aduitioned for the show, Shayamali is better than Sanjaya, in terms of looks and in voice.

    You can see more of Shayamali at her Myspace Account.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/04/who-is-more-beautiful-sanjaya-or-his.html
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