Chiz Watches Pinoy Big Brother

    It's great to know that senatorial candidate Chiz Escudero watches Pinoy Big Brother. Probably the future Senator from Sorsogon in Bicol is rooting for Beatriz Saw who is representing the Bicol Region.

    As quoted from Ricky Lo's Body Talk with Chiz Escudero, here's the list of his favorites:

    • ACTOR — FPJ ("But of course!")
    • ACTRESS(ES) — Susan Roces ("Who else?") from the veterans block and Claudine Barretto from the new breed.
    • MOVIE — The American President (starring Michael Douglas in the title role).
    • SONG — Beautiful In The Eyes by Joshua Kadison
    • SINGER — "My wife, siempre!" (Theater actress Christine Elizabeth "Tintin" Flores).
    • BOOK — Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory.
    • AUTHOR — None in particular. "What counts is not so much the author as the book. I must confess that I’m not an avid book-reader."
    • PART OF HIS BODY — None. "All parts need some improvement."
    • PART OF HIS WIFE’S BODY — "Her tummy which is growing bigger and bigger with our twins, our first children. Hinihimas-himas ko palagi ang tiyan ni Tintin."
    • PART OF THE HOUSE — Bedroom ("That’s where Tintin and I spend most of our time, either sleeping or watching TV").
    • TV SHOW — "I’m not much of a TV-watchers but when I do, I watch Pinoy Big Brother (PBB)."
    • TIME OF DAY — Morning ("The time Tintin and I spend quality time together").
    • DAY OF THE WEEK — Sunday ("Strictly family day").
    • PASTIME/HOBBIES — Shooting and computer games.
    • DRINK — Wine (Red).
    • COLOR — Blue ("I like the way it looks").
    • HERO(ES) — "Dr. Jose Rizal for his intelligence, Andres Bonifacio for his bravery, Emilio Aguinaldo for his being the youngest president of the Philippines and Alyas Sakay for fighting with the Americans."
    • COMICS CHARACTER — Superman.
    • FOOD — Tinolang manok.
    • SAINT — St. Francis of Assisi (after whom he was named).
    • FRUIT — Melon.
    • FLOWER — "Wala akong hilig sa flowers."
    • PERFUME — "I never buy. I use whatever is given to me."
    • SLEEP WEAR — Shorts and kamiseta.
    • CITY/HIDEAWAY — Sorsogon City ("When I’m there, it’s not for vacation but still for work").
    • SPORT — Shooting.
    • POLITICAL FIGURES — "Ferdinand Marcos for his legal mind, Cory Aquino for her heart and feel for people, Erap for his love for the masa, FVR for his management style and GMA for being hard-working."
    • EXPRESSION — "Utang na loob!"

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