The Beauty of Boracay

    I'd like to share to you these wonderful pictures of Boracay, taken by Ms. Jenny Salvador. I really admire this lady's aesthetic sense, as she shares to us her exclusive shots of Boracay, photos that show why Boracay is the ultimate tourist destination in the Philippines.

    Lovely sunrise and sunset

    Fire exhibition, native dancing to amuse the visitors

    You'll adore the aeta kids

    You'll love the beach, and the men, sunbathing

    Perfect place for sweethearts.

    Need secret moment? Boracay has great hideouts.

    It's great to play at the white sand


    The Sand Castle (great masterpiece)

    Lots of souvenir items

    The fun is all yours.

    and of course, the hot, sexy babes drive men to flock at the beach

    See more of Jenny's great photos at Flickr.

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