Filipino Housemates Welcome Slovenian Housemate

    After a grand welcome especially prepared for Slovenian housemate Tina at the Big Brother hall, Tina is now spending time to get to know her new housemates.

    On the pic above, seated beside Tina is Dionne and Gee-Ann.

    Here's a close up of Tina. She's already tired I suppose, but with the housemates having so many questions, I think they'd spend the whole night getting to know each other.

    As expected, they bring Tina outside at their favorite smoking area. Wendy, the heavy smoker in the house, sits beside her. Tina is already smoking a stick now.

    THe housemates now have an idea where Bruce is. Wendy, the acting girlfriend of Bruce, is worried about Bruce with Slovenian girl housemates.

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