Bruce Pledges Not To Have Sex In Slovenia

    In an interview with Slovenian news program, Filipino housemate Bruce Quebral said he won't have sex, but a love affair would be a possibility.

    Here's the content of the article posted at translated from Slovene to English (WARNING: My translation won't be 100% correct, but good enough to get the gist of the story):

    Bruce met with Slovenian journalists after a long and straining trip.

    Bruce heard about Slovenia for the first time in his life, and he looks forward to new experiences after good first impressions he has for the country.

    He brought a book concerning the Philippines and two models of the country's traditional vehicle - the jeepney. He intends to cook chicken and pork adobo, a Filipino traditional dish, in the Slovenian house.

    Bruce expects that his new housemates will be nice and wonderful, and he looks forward to an encounter with Slovenian girls. He added that it might be possible for him to fall in love to one of them.

    He also said on the interview that he does not see himself having sex in Slovenia, because he at all doesn't have it in the Philippines. It's something he won't take advantage of because he'd be conservative in Slovenia.

    MYKIRU: I can say that Bruce definitely knows how to please the Slovenian audience. I'm pretty much sure he'll captivate or probably he'd already captivated the hearts of the Slovenians.

    If you feel like watching, here's the video clips of the said interview:

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