Wendy Is Automatically Nominated; Bruce Is Exempted

    Because of Bruce Quebral's exemplary accomplishment as a housemate and a Filipino for the Big Brother Swap in Slovenia, Big Brother spared him both to nominate and to be nominated.

    But the good news for Bruce was shortlived when Big Brother also announced that his acting girlfriend Wendy Valdez is automatically nominated for not turning on her lapel microphone on one instance.

    Prior to the announcement, Wendy confessed to Big Brother about the incident before the latter calls her attention , but it seems like on her case, it doesn't pay to be honest. I think Big Brother should have studied it very carefully considering Wendy's honesty.

    Wendy will be joined by other nominees, to be determined tomorrow night.

    PBB Host Toni Gonzaga announced that one housemate will have an automatic or forced eviction. I guess it's Maricris Dizon, because of her tendency to get outrageous and might harm other housemates, especially with her confrontation incident with Bea Saw. Harsh PBB followers commented that she has the tendency to kill somebody else.

    Mickey Perz, like Bruce, is also exempted on tomorrow's nomination for winning their Lig-Task Game.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/04/wendy-is-automatically-nominated-bruce.html
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