Filipinized Tina's Comeback In Slovenia

    Filipinized Tina, who spent a week away from Slovenian Big Brother House, arrived in Slovenia yesterday.

    Tina, now with straightened blonde hair, was still wearing the Filipiniana attire when she arrived and was reunited with her co-housemates.

    She was so excited to tell the Slovenians of her experiences in the Philippines. She said that Filipinos are so talented in dancing and singing.

    Tina also added that on her almost a week of stay in Pinoy Big Brother, the housemates never lost any tasks because they were responsible, committed and very serious of the tasks being given to them.

    She even shared that in Pinoy Big Brother, there are strict orders for them to conquer their fears. There were extraordinary heavy tasks, citing one housemate (Saicy) who is afraid of snakes and Big Brother had her dance with nine phytons adorning her body.

    Of course, she did not forget to tell about the "balut" and according to her, the Filipinos kill small hens, and she really really didn't like the idea of eating it.

    Probably by now, she has already learned of what happened to Pero and I'm pretty much sure she'd be sad with the racist remarks made by her fellow housemates because for sure, the Filipinos have a special place in her heart.

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