TOP 7 PERFORMANCES:'s Ultimate Favorite Sanjaya Malakar has finally been "out" of Americal Idol Season 6. Sanjaya's fan base has finally given up to the harsh comments to their idol by the judges, especially Simon Cowell, the online community and even the televiewers.
Sanjaya sang Something To Talk About, Blake Lewis - When the Stars Go Blue, Lakisha Jones - Jesus Take the Wheel, Jordin Sparks sang A Broken Wing , Chris Richardson - Mayberry and Melinda Doolittle sang Trouble is a Woman.
Good thing for Phil Stacey who sang Where the Blacktop Ends that he was not in the Bottom Three, after being one for three consecutive weeks.
Eliminated: Sanjaya Malakar

And the TOP 7:
Jordin Sparks (my favorite) and Melinda Doolittle

Phil Stacey and Chris Richardson (my favorites)

Bottom Three:
Blake Lewis (my favorite) and Lakisha Jones

Country music icon Martina Mcbride was the guest performer for the night.
The next performance night is on April 24.
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Visit nEw MyKiRu IsYuSeRo for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection's Ultimate Favorite Sanjaya Malakar has finally been "out" of Americal Idol Season 6. Sanjaya's fan base has finally given up to the harsh comments to their idol by the judges, especially Simon Cowell, the online community and even the televiewers.
Sanjaya sang Something To Talk About, Blake Lewis - When the Stars Go Blue, Lakisha Jones - Jesus Take the Wheel, Jordin Sparks sang A Broken Wing , Chris Richardson - Mayberry and Melinda Doolittle sang Trouble is a Woman.
Good thing for Phil Stacey who sang Where the Blacktop Ends that he was not in the Bottom Three, after being one for three consecutive weeks.
Eliminated: Sanjaya Malakar

And the TOP 7:
Jordin Sparks (my favorite) and Melinda Doolittle

Phil Stacey and Chris Richardson (my favorites)

Bottom Three:
Blake Lewis (my favorite) and Lakisha Jones

Country music icon Martina Mcbride was the guest performer for the night.
The next performance night is on April 24.
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Visit nEw MyKiRu IsYuSeRo for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection