I haven't seen the trailer of DreamWorks Pictures' Disturbia and it really surprised me, so as the Americans, that it landed on the #1 spot at the US Weekend Box Office (April 13-15, 2007) with $23M opening sales.Last week, I've heard the name Shia LaBeouf (left photo), who is set to star with Harrison Ford in the fourth installment of Indiana Jones, but I had no idea that the newcomer is the main lead of the movie Disturbia.
Now I understand why the dark-suspense movie is a box-office hit. People might have been very curious about Shia. The publicity for the Indiana Jones might have helped a lot and has proven that Shia is another important actor, who can already carry a movie on his own, with of course the support of Carrie-Ann Moss (Trinity of The Matrix) who plays as his mom.
Halle Berry's Perfect Stranger debuted at #4 and well-promoted Pathfinder opened only at #6, but Pathfinder is being accomodated by lesser theaters than Disturbia and Perfect Stranger.
Former box-office champs Blades of Glory and Meet the Robinsons both lost one slot each, but remain strong. Blades is close to hitting the $100M mark.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has finally gone down the Top 10.
Here's the Weekend Box Office Estimates (April 13-15) courtesy of Yahoo! Movies:
1. "Disturbia," $23 million.
2. "Blades of Glory," $14.1 million.
3. "Meet the Robinsons," $12.1 million.
4. "Perfect Stranger," $11.5 million.
5. "Are We Done Yet?", $9.2 million.
6. "Pathfinder," $4.8 million.
7. "Wild Hogs," $4.6 million.
8. "The Reaping," $4.6 million.
9. "300," $4.3 million.
10. "Grindhouse," $4.2 million.
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