Full Updates Of Tina's Grand Entrance In Pinoy Big Brother

    Update 1: The program for the Grand Welcome of Tina in Pinoy Big Brother has just started and in minutes, the Big Brother Swap will take place and will be witnessed in the whole world.

    Update 2: Tonight is also the birthday celebration of housemate Robert Woods. Tina will be celebrating with them.

    Update 3: Mariel Rodriguez, one of the hosts of Pinoy Big Brother, said that Tina's fave expression is "Perfect!" which also happens to be a signature expression of Nel Rapiz, one of the Filipino housemates.

    Update 4: Big Brother has already informed Nel that a new housemate will enter the house. Nel was amazed to hear the news and was asked to tell the other housemates.

    Update 5: Tina is shown blindfolded again wearing Slovenian national costume. She's inside a car going to the Big Brother hall, where many Filipinos are eagerly waiting for her.

    Update 6: After a few seconds, Tina arrived at the hall, removed her blindfold and officially welcomed at the Big Brother hall. There was a drum and dance presentation, an ati-atihan dance to be exact, and the three hosts asked her some questions. She was asked how she could describe herself in one word and she said, "Positive."

    Update 7: Tina revealed she already has a boyfriend (Sorry guys) and she showed the gifts she brought from Slovenia. Tina also admitted that at first she was kinda hesitant to come to the Philippines because she thought she'd be away for two months.

    Update 8: Tina's now in the house. Tina introduced herself to the housemates and vice versa. Wow, she's taller than the female housemates, and even taller than other male housemates. She already gave the gifts she brought.

    Update 9: The new and the old housemates are now on their bonding moment, getting to know each other. The Filipino housemates are asking many questions to Tina and she could hardly answer them all.

    Photo courtesy of Pinoy Big Brother.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/04/full-updates-of-tina-grand-entrance-in.html
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