Breaking News: Kris Aquino Gives Birth To Baby James

    It has just been reported on national television that TV Host-Actress Kris Aquino has given birth to a 4-pound baby boy at the Makati Medical Center.

    Kris went to the hospital just to report for a regular check-up with her OB-Gyne, but Kris experienced on the spot contraction, so she was rushed to the delivery room.

    She gave birth via Caesarian at around 4:50 in the afternoon.

    Kris was supposed to give birth last week of June. The baby was pre-named as James, Jr.

    According to the doctor's report, Baby James is healthy but needs to be incubated, to be supplied with oxygen.

    Kris Aquino will stay in the hospital for 3-4 days.

    Stay tuned for more updates.


    visit ABS-CBN News for details.
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