Grandma and Granddaughter Will Graduate Together On May 12

    It's so inspiring to know that a 95-yr old woman is graduating next month at Fort Hays State University in Kansas, US.

    The graduation ceremony is on May 12 and Nora Ochs will be the new record holder for the oldest woman to graduate in college, according to Guinness World Records.

    The record is currently held by Mozelle Richardson who graduated at University of Oklahoma, with the degree of Journalism at the age of 90 in 2004.

    Nora Ochs, who will graduate with a General Studies degree, is a mother of three and a grandma to 28 grandchildren.

    And what's more interesting is that her granddaughter Alexandra Ochs, 21, will also graduate with her.

    Wow, truly Nora Ochs is an exemplary model most especially to the youth who feel like studies isn't a priority to them. I hope everyone should be more inspired to persevere and never give up to reach out for their dreams.

    Info from the Associated Press

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