Pinoy Big Brother Season 2: 3rd Eviction Night

    PBB 2
    3rd Eviction Night
    Easter Sunday,
    April 14, 2007

    Kian Kazemi of Makati City 19.55% of votes

    Gee-Ann Abrahan of Quezon City 28.90%

    Dionne Monsanto of Cebu 26.65%

    Bodie Cruz of Las PiƱas City 24.90%

    It was a very close fight, since the gap of votes garnered by the nominees were quite small.
    I feel sad that Kian is out. Had it been Big Brother did not automatically nominate him, he'd stay longer. He had never been nominated by housemates' votes.
    But I'm pretty much sure he'd go a long way in showbiz.
    Nel Rapiz cried a river again. He always cries that much every eviction, not a trait of a real guy. He cried more when Zeke and Kian were evicted than Jasmin Engracia's eviction.
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