Housemates In Filipiniana Attire


    Tina smokes while on her Filipiniana attire.

    Last night, they had a winter and summer fashion show, where they paraded with winter outfits on and at almost midnight, they stripped down to their sexiest soul. Tina Semolic of Slovenia stood out, toppling down all the Filipino housemates.

    Will the Slovenian be able to do it again tonight for their Filipiniana attire showcase?

    Meanwhile, it's cooking session with Bruce in Slovenia as he teaches the housemates how to cook adobo. I've noticed that Bruce hasn't changed his shirt since yesterday. Or it might be another shirt of the same color.


    Blanket Queen Jasmina is back in action as she impresses Bruce with her sizzling hot kitchen moves.


    The housemates are interested with what he's cooking, but Sonja is more interested with the adobo...

    If you feel like watching...

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