Top 10 Happy Foods

    by Joy Bauer
    Yahoo! Health

    Top Ten Happy Foods
    1. Wild salmon (rich in omega 3 fats and vitamin D)
    2. Spinach - (rich in folic acid and soluble fiber)
    3. Skim milk - (rich in Vitamin D and B12)
    4. Ground flaxseeds (rich soluble fiber, omega 3 fats and folic acid)
    5. Blackberries (rich in soluble fiber and folic acid)
    6. Omega 3 fortified eggs - (rich in omega 3 fats, Vitamin D and B12)
    7. Sardines ( rich in omega 3 fats and Vitamin D)
    8. Soybeans - (rich in soluble fiber, folic acid and omega 3 fats)
    9. Beans (rich in soluble fiber and folic acid)
    10. Brussels sprouts (soluble fiber and folic acid)
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