4th Nomination Night
Labor Day
May 01, 2007
By Automatic Nomination:
Two days ago, Big Brother has automatically nominated Wendy Valdez of Navotas for not wearing her lapel microphone on one instance.

By Housemates' Votes:
Dionne Monsanto of Cebu

Via "Halik ni Hudas" or Judah's Kiss:
(As consequence for Mickey's answering the 13th Phone Call: to kiss the housemate who he wanted to be one of the nominees):
Saicy Aguila of Iloilo

Bruce Quebral is exempted to nominate and be nominated because of his very successful participation in Slovenia for the Big Brother Swap.
Mickey Perz is also spared to be nominated as a reward for emerging as winner in the Lig-Task Game.
Since the first nomination night, Wendy and Saicy keep on nominating Gee-Ann for eviction.
Analyzing the tally of votes, it seems like the following don't like each other: Bea and Robert, Bea and Bodie, Bodie and Dionne, Dionne and Saicy.
Nel nominated Saicy because the latter doesn't have a crush on him.
Bea is almost nominated had it been there was no 13th phone call, which brought a nomination for Saicy.
Finally, Gee-Ann is relieved as one of the nominees. She was always a nominee during the past three nomination nights. And, she's supposed to be given an automatic nomination had it been she did not give up her doll-companion Pamela.
This is the third consecutive nomination for Dionne, a second for Wendy while a first for Saicy.
Flashback: As I was browsing my previous posts on PBB Nomination Nights, I've noticed during the 2nd Nomination Night that Bruce nominated Wendy. He might not like Wendy before, but it seems for now he's having a great time to have Wendy as his acting girlfriend.
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/05/pinoy-big-brother-season-2-4th.html
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4th Nomination Night
Labor Day
May 01, 2007
By Automatic Nomination:
Two days ago, Big Brother has automatically nominated Wendy Valdez of Navotas for not wearing her lapel microphone on one instance.

By Housemates' Votes:
Dionne Monsanto of Cebu

Via "Halik ni Hudas" or Judah's Kiss:
(As consequence for Mickey's answering the 13th Phone Call: to kiss the housemate who he wanted to be one of the nominees):
Saicy Aguila of Iloilo

Bea Bodie Bruce Dionne Gee-Ann Mickey Nel Robert Saicy Wendy Final Tally: Wendy Dionne Bea Robert Bodie Saicy Nel Gee-Ann Bruce Mickey Evicted: Maricris Kian Ezekiel Jasmin | 2 points Robert Dionne - Bodie Nel - Dionne Dionne Dionne Bea points 8 4 3 3 2 2 2 | 1 point Bodie Bea - Saicy Robert - Saicy Bea Gee-Ann Gee-Ann automatically nominated nominated nominated exempted to nominate and be nominated exempted to be nominated |
Bruce Quebral is exempted to nominate and be nominated because of his very successful participation in Slovenia for the Big Brother Swap.
Mickey Perz is also spared to be nominated as a reward for emerging as winner in the Lig-Task Game.
Since the first nomination night, Wendy and Saicy keep on nominating Gee-Ann for eviction.
Analyzing the tally of votes, it seems like the following don't like each other: Bea and Robert, Bea and Bodie, Bodie and Dionne, Dionne and Saicy.
Nel nominated Saicy because the latter doesn't have a crush on him.
Bea is almost nominated had it been there was no 13th phone call, which brought a nomination for Saicy.
Finally, Gee-Ann is relieved as one of the nominees. She was always a nominee during the past three nomination nights. And, she's supposed to be given an automatic nomination had it been she did not give up her doll-companion Pamela.
This is the third consecutive nomination for Dionne, a second for Wendy while a first for Saicy.
Flashback: As I was browsing my previous posts on PBB Nomination Nights, I've noticed during the 2nd Nomination Night that Bruce nominated Wendy. He might not like Wendy before, but it seems for now he's having a great time to have Wendy as his acting girlfriend.
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/05/pinoy-big-brother-season-2-4th.html
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