Balik-Bahay Housemates


    It's a 2nd time around for Kian Kazemi, Jasmin Engracia, Wendy Valdez and Zeke Dimaguila.

    Jasmin was the first evictee of Pinoy Big Brother and was disliked for being "mahadera". She stayed in Davao after the eviction. Has she changed for the better?

    Zeke on one hand was evicted a week after Jasmin and his downfall was his flirtations with Dionne Monsanto, who was just evicted last night. With whom he's gonna flirt with now that Dionne is no longer in the house?

    Kian Kazemi was the 3rd evictee, having been nominated twice just because of house rules violations. Will he be booted out again because of violations? And, will there be a love triangle among Kian, Gee-Ann and Mickey?

    Both Kian and Zeke were much exposed on TV, having guested on PBB Uplate, Homeboy and ASAP '07. Between the two, it was Kian who got the admiration of the press people.

    Lastly, Wendy was just evicted two weeks ago, and was disliked for being a backbiter and her romance with Bruce was highly unfavored by most people. Will she make up or break up with Bruce? Or a making out is going to happen???

    Now is the chance for the four of them to resolve any unsolved issues they left inside the house, show how much they've changed for the better and prove they're more deserving than the remaining housemates.

    Only two of them will stay for good after a week. The decision will be left to the televiewers by voting who they think deserves to stay in the house.

    The housemates are talking about blogs. Gee-Ann admitted she has a friendster and addicted to reading blogs. Bodie seconded he also reads blogs, he can relate to it, but he doesn't have a friendster account. He added he's irritated when a person he doesn't know adds him on friendster. (Mykiru: Don't worry Bodie, I will never add you haha)

    Nel said bloggers just do COPY/PASTE only on their blogs. (Mykiru: Don't worry Nel. I will not copy and paste your photos here haha.)

    Stay tuned for more live updates.

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