Jon Mullaly is now Jon Avila

    Being launched as member of Star Circle Batch 15, Jon Mullaly has elevated himself to a higher level as he offers himself to more TV shows and exposures.

    Now Jon Avila, he is a model having won the title of Century Tuna Superbod in 2006. His face is probably so familiar to you as you've seen him on various advertisements (Century Tuna), billboards (Bench) and even magazine covers (Icon Mag).

    He was one of the 30 hottest guys of 2006 by Starstudio, leading the list was of course the 2006's hottest discovery Sam Milby.

    Too bad that Jon Mullaly was pinpointed as having the worst body odor by Ethel Booba as part of the 40 Forbidden Questions on DJ Mo's show. But Jon might not bother, coz as they say, where's the credibility on Ethel Booba anyway?

    Jon is just one of the 18 members of Star Magic Batch 15 which shall have a grand launch this coming Sunday, June 3 on ASAP 07.

    Other members of Star Magic Batch 15 are former child actor Bryan Homecillo, Hiyasmin Neri, Jordan Aguilar, Caroline Riggs, Franz Pumaren and among others.

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