Miss Philippines Denies She's Asian?

    Miss Philippines - Anna Theresa Licaros


    On May 13th, Global Beauties gave a clearer scenario of what really happened. On its website, it says: "It's in Asia, after all! It's been confirmed that Miss Philippines never said that she would not be photographed with the Asian delegates because the Philippines "is not an Asian country". Apparently what happened was that when Miss Philippines saw the Asian group being photographed, and she was not in it, she approached the photographer and asked "hey, how about me? Am I not Asian"?. Miss Japan's limited knowledge of the English language caused the misunderstanding."


    Miss Universe-Japan's director Ines Ligron mentioned on her blog that Miss Universe 2007 candidate from the Philippines Anna Theresa Licaros was quoted as saying that she's not Asian, staying away from the other Asian girls.

    Miss Universe-Japan National Director - French Ines Ligron

    Ms. Ines posted it on May 11, 2007 on her interview with Japan's delagate Riyo Mori. So probably, it was Miss Japan who relayed the intriguing issue with Miss Philippines.

    The post says, "Miss Philippines when a photographer asked the group from Asia to take a picture, she walked away after saying: "I am not Asian", she did not take the picture with the other girls quite surprised but her reaction."

    However somebody named Nad denied this allegation by posting a comment: "What is attributed to Miss Philippines is not true. I have talked to her just now. What really happened was this: Misses Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, India and Philippines were together. A photographer wanted to take a picture of the Asian girls. But he gathered only Japan, Korea, Thailand and Singapore. Miss Philippines said," We're Asians too (referring to her and Miss India)." Miss Singapore reasoned out however that the photographer wishes to take the picture of only the four mentioned. So Miss Philippines and India did not insist. This is what really happened.

    It would be totally unthinkable for Anna Theresa to do that. Having known her for long, it is not in her character to do that, much more to deny her very heritage. She is proudly Asian and has previously participated in pan-Asian events. Why would she do that anyway, considering that the photographer could relay this to the press? She would not gain anything by doing that.

    There might have been miscommunication somewhere. The language barrier always characterizes global events like this. Taking this into account, there might have been misinterpretation of what was really said and what really happened.

    Hope this clarifies things. More power,Miss Ligron!"

    Then suddenly, Ms. Ines posted this on her blog:

    "Hi to all!

    I just read all the post and decided to erase my post. I did not know that so many people are reading my post from all over the world.

    Miss Philippines is the most elegant and mature girl in the competition this year. I always supported her and I think that she is trully beautiful. I beleive Miss Philippines had a reason and the girls from Asia were wondering why she said that. I said many things that are positive about her since the beginning, my intention was not at all to make her look bad, I believe that this is what happened and I trully apologioze for it.

    Riyo told me that Miss Korea is the most beautiful Asian this year together with India, and this is my opnion as well. Also Miss Korea let Riyo call her mom because her mobile doesn't work in Mexico, Riyo did not speak to her mom since she had arrived also she commented that this is a very kind gesture of her.

    I will erase the part in my post so that I do not offense anyone. I really apologize for the inconvenience I caused to all.


    In fairness to Ms. Ines, she was very vocal as early as April, before the Miss Universe 2007 has kicked off this May that Miss Philippines is one of her top 4 favorites, even wished that Philippines and Japan are the countries left standing on the finals. She also recalled how Philippines supported and cheered for Miss Japan in Miss Universe 2006, when Kurara Chibana finished only 1st Runner Up after Miss Puerto Rico Zuleyka Rivera.

    Vote for top 15 favorites here.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/05/miss-philippines-denies-she-asian.html
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