Who do you think should win the Miss Photogenic award in Miss Universe 2007?
Vote for your top three (3) choices among 77 delegates by clicking the photo below or directly to NBC.com
Here's how it looks like:
You will be asked to select any three (3) candidates from the America, Africa, Europe and Asia/Australia.
Your three selected candidates will be reflected at the bottom. On the photo above, you can see that I've voted for Argentina, India and Korea. Then click SUBMIT VOTE.
NBC.com will then require you to fill up some information about you most especially your e-mail address. One ballot per e-mail account.
Then come back here and tell us who you voted for.
These are my top 3 choices for Miss Photogenic.

Other possible choices would be Misses Philippines, Aruba, Greece, Estonia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Lebanon, Tanzania, Angola, Brazil, Cyprus and South Africa.
Take a look at the latest HOT 15 FAVORITES in MISS UNIVERSE 2007.
or Vote for your top 15 favorites HERE.
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/05/vote-for-miss-photogenic.html
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Vote for your top three (3) choices among 77 delegates by clicking the photo below or directly to NBC.com
Here's how it looks like:
You will be asked to select any three (3) candidates from the America, Africa, Europe and Asia/Australia.
Your three selected candidates will be reflected at the bottom. On the photo above, you can see that I've voted for Argentina, India and Korea. Then click SUBMIT VOTE.
NBC.com will then require you to fill up some information about you most especially your e-mail address. One ballot per e-mail account.
Then come back here and tell us who you voted for.
These are my top 3 choices for Miss Photogenic.

Other possible choices would be Misses Philippines, Aruba, Greece, Estonia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Lebanon, Tanzania, Angola, Brazil, Cyprus and South Africa.
Take a look at the latest HOT 15 FAVORITES in MISS UNIVERSE 2007.
or Vote for your top 15 favorites HERE.
Visit nEw MyKiRu IsYuSeRo for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection