Pinoy Big Brother Season 2 Weekender Report (Part 2)

    Bruce flaunts his not so red, but hot lips. Sorry Wendy, he's got hotter lips than you.

    May 09, 2007: PBB Showgays Night. Male housemates presented their gay dance showdown. Bodie and Mickey really looked like girls. Bodie carried himself or herself well while Bruce could not fully hide his or her manly manners. Robert was a so-so, and of course, Nel outshined them all.

    May 10, 2007. Nel's date with evicted housemate Maricris.

    May 11, 2007: Globe Unlimi-Tees Task. Tees and shirts personalized and designed by the housemates themselves will be up for auction. Proceeds of which, will be added to their Summerienda sales. Some shirts contain themes in line with the upcoming Philippine Elections come Monday, May 14th.

    Photo credits: Moyeen of ABS-CBN Forums

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