Korean Popstar Rain: Beautiful And Influential

    Korean Pop Star Rain has proven his massive appeal, not just only in Asia, but in the whole world when he made it both in the list of 100 Most Beautiful People in the World by People Magazine and 100 Most Influential People as voted thru Time Magazine's Online Poll.

    Rain is the first entertainer from Korea to make it to the most beautiful list. He's also one of the 7 Non-American people who was included in the list.

    Drew Barrymore topped the list and Rain is side by side with Hollywood celebrities such as Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, Alicia Keys, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Garner, Matthew McConaughey, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Tyra Banks, John Mayer, Kate Moss, Rosie O'Donnell, Al Gore,

    On one hand, Rain also feels proud, much even prouder that he topped the 2007 Most Influential Online Readers' Poll conducted by Time Magazine.

    Last year, Rain actually made it to the actual 100 Most Influential List published in Time Magazine, finished second after Hollywood Asian director Ang Lee. However, this 2007, he was not anymore included in the list even if he was the ultimate choice by its readers as most influential person of the year as reflected on the online poll.

    On the said poll, Rain bested other 200 candidates and garnered a total of 470,174 votes, almost half a million. He toppled down more popular names such as Sanjaya Malakar (#3), J.K. Rowling (#6), Keifer Sutherland (#8), Bono (#10), Angelina Jolie (#15), Brad Pitt (#19), Beyonce Knowles (#21), Michael J. Fox (#23), Nelson Mandela (#24), Sacha Baron Cohen (#25), George Clooney (#26), Aishwarya Rai (#28) and a lot more.

    Some prominent names who made it to the actual list are: Justin Timberlake, Sacha Baron Cohen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Queen Elizabeth II, Condoleezza Rice, Arnold Scwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton, Pope Benedict XVI, Osama bin Laden, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, George Clooney and Michael J. Fox.

    Full list of Time 100 Most Influential People is here.

    Rain's photo sources:


    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/05/korean-popstar-rain-beautiful-and.html
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