Latest Happening On Pinoy Big Brother Season 2

    Bodie sits on Bruce's lap inside the car.

    The secret Balik-Bahay housemates prepared "kamote" dishes for the 9 remaining housemates. The housemates ate it, liked the food very much and then Big Brother asked them to go outside.

    They were then asked to accomplish another task, a task that would save Nel, Bea, Saicy and Bruce from the punishment that Big Brother gave to them earlier regarding their "peeing" act in the garden.

    The task was to stay inside the car for 2 hours. Considering they ate "kamote" earlier and Big Brother even asked them to eat more of it inside the car, will the 9 housemates get through with it? Will there be farting? Who's gonna fart the most?

    As a televiewer, I could also feel what the housemates could feel inside the car. I, honestly, didn't find it enjoyable to see the housemates on that situation. It was a hard feeling, to tell you guys.

    Saicy already showed some signs of giving up while inside the car.

    At last, the 2-hour task was over. Full of sweat, tired and almost breathless, 9 housemates got off the car. It was a success!

    However, it didn't end up that well as you would think. Gee-Ann almost fainted, told her housemates she couldn't see. She was then asked to lie down.

    Saicy, who almost gave up inside the car, could not breathe outside and she vomitted. The housemates were worried and asked for help from Big Brother.

    For now, everything is just fine. Saicy and some other housemates will have themselves for a medical check-up. No need to worry, but you really can't control yourself to worry about it.

    On ABS-CBN forums, PBB fanatics expressed their opinions about the incident, made comments that the task was cruel and Big Brother made a huge mistake.

    Stay tuned for more updates.

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