Wendy's High Votes: Reasonable? Or Unbelievable?

    It has been officially announced that Balik-Bahay housemates Kian Kazemi and Wendy Valdez will now be two of the official housemates of the house. Kian got only 17.71%, the second highest, very far from Wendy's 54.04% of votes.

    It is not right to accuse Pinoy Big Brother of manipulation as what other people say, but is it really possible for Wendy to get that very high votes, considering she failed to be saved when she was pitied against Saicy and Gee-Ann during the 4th Eviction?

    Voters who participated during the 4th Eviction are protesting that they have used lots of loads just to get Wendy ousted that time, but what happened this time?

    Possibility is, very few people have participated to vote for these balik-bahay housemates, because from the very start, they were not in favor of it. As what one fan has said before, he would no longer waste a single cent just to vote for these balik-bahay housemates. Or probably Wendy has now a huge fan base? Speak up Brendy fans.

    That's the risk of relying the decision through text votes, when transparency is not taken into consideration. It's business after all. For the voters, they feel their votes were not counted, because a pre-made decision has all been set. They might be right or falsely accuse PBB, but all they need is transparency and an explanation coming from the said reality show. Voters deserve it I suppose.

    For now, it has not yet been disclosed when they're going to meet the other 9 legitimate housemates. As to Jasmin Engracia, who got the second lowest percentage of 15.64, she still has to wait for further instruction from Big Brother.

    For the information of many, Zeke who got the lowest percentage of 12.61%, joined the other 9 housemates, but he won't be staying that long. Big Brother is giving him a privilege to stay in the house overnight or for 24 hours, with 9 other official housemates.

    It's something unexpected, and was never thought of. Big Brother simply wants Zeke to settle any differences he had with the other housemates.

    As what I've said before, this is the chance for Kian to be with Gee-Ann, whom he admires for now. Wendy, who's luckier than ever, will also have the chance, either to make up, break up or make out with Bruce Quebral. As they say, Wendy is the "drama" that Pinoy Big Brother wants to have.

    Kian Kazemi

    Jasmin Engracia

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/05/wendy-high-votes-reasonable-or.html
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