Kian's Immunity

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    Last night's episode of Pinoy Big Brother Season 2 was the most entertaining one for me. I really enjoyed watching the housemates doing those rigorous and messy games while they were on their sizzling summer outfits.
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    Truly, summer heats up the competition on the said reality show as each housemate tried their very best to end up victorious that night. But only one emerged as the ultimate champion for the Lig-task Games given by Big Brother.

    There were three elimination round in the Lig-task games: "Ok Ka Lungs", "Igat U Babe" and "Kapit Iwas sa Pit".
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    Kian was declared the Champion when in the championship round, he wrestled with other male housemates in an arena, sort of a sumo wrestling, only that they were covered with oil. Kian was the only one left after he wrestled them out of the arena.

    The prize at stake was an immunity from being nominated on next week's nomination. However, Big Bro announced that the immunity will not save Kian from the upcoming eviction tonight.

    But at least, Kian's victory that night proves that he deserves to stay inside the academy.

    Don't fail to watch tonight's 1st Eviction Night.

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