With the advancement of technology, the society's openmindedness and the support of different organizations, an unattractive lady can now find comfort for themselves. She can stand with pride to the world and be proud of the newfound beauty she never imagined she could have.
In 2003, China staged "Grey Girl," a pageant for ladies who were not-so-blessed in the looks department. The pageant had 50 unattractive contestants from Shanghai and the winner was Zhang Di, a 26 year-old lady, who took home $16,500 worth of beauty enhancement or cosmetic surgery. According to the judges, they chose Zhang Di as the winner because her face needed the most improvement, which was the ultimate criterion, and the grand prize of plastic surgery could be very helpful to her.
International press called the event as "Miss Ugly."
The organizers aimed to empower and uplift confidence of ugly women. But some criticized it because it was just boosting plastic surgery.
Here's Zhang Di, before and after the operation.
A year after, China also had the same kind of contest but this time for ugly men. A 30 yr-old guy won and he had 3-month operation to make him look like a popular Chinese singer-actor Lu Yi.
Also on the same year, China had another pageant called "Miss Artificial Beauty," where contestants were those who had already undergone beauty processing or surgery.
In other countries, they also have Miss Ugly Man Contest with men dressing up as women and parade as ugly as they can be.
Now, another Asian country is set to stage a contest with the same concept with that of China. The Philippines will have its first ever "Miss Ugly (No More)."
It was launched last Friday by Bevery Hills 6750 Cosmetic Surgery, a beauty clinic in the country, in cooperation with Smart Communication.
Prizes at stake for the winner are 1-M peso or worth of beauty enhancement and a management contract. Two runners-up will also be awarded beauty enhancements and aesthetic procedures.
Twenty qualified ladies will be chosen and three winners will be determined via text votes.
With this kind of pageant, an ugly lady can now have an equal status with a beautiful woman.
But As they say, no one is absolutely beautiful. It is only you who could make your self attractive and beautiful.Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/03/beautification-pageant.html
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