What's Up This April Fool's Day?

    April 1, or April Fool's Day as they say is not a holiday, but it's widely popular and being celebrated in some countries, especially European countries like France and Germany.

    Here are some of the scheduled hoaxes or practical jokes for today, April Fool's Day taken from Wikipedia:

    In newspapers, magazines and websites
    The Adult Swim Message Boards changed their language filters to change words into other words. For example, the word "anime" changed into "Pineapple Beach" and the words "Adult Swim" turned into the the prologue to Canterbury Tales.
    An internet blogbased on football/soccer club River Plate, posted that it's two star players -Juan Pablo Carrizo and Fernando Belluschi- had been sold to Italian club Juventus for an extremely low price.
    AdventureQuest released an event that was based around the Devourer (a continuing storyline had been going on to prevent its coming) "eating" Lore (the world where the game is set). The player was transported inside the Devourer, battled a seemingly good character (that by many on the forums was considered evil) and was rewarded with a new pet, credits, and a message saying Happy April Fool's Day. The game continued as normal.

    Albino BlackSheep stated that they were acquired by Google for roughly $32 million, and will be renamed Google Animation.
    The BBC's UK website announces "New Sniff-Screen Technology" in their regular promotion area.
    Chessgames, the game of the day is a composed stalemate. [1]
    Christchurch Cathedral is to be pulled down next week due to structural damage and the site has been bought by a Russian businessman for a hotel and aquarium. [2]
    CollegeHumor changed their website to appear as if the domain name has expired and has been overrun with spammers.
    Digital Inspiration released a hack to download movies, audiobooks and music videos from the iTunes store for free.
    Matt Cutts, part of Google's quality group specializing in search engine optimization issues, announced CuttsCon[3], and claimed that his blog had been hacked by Dark SEO Team.
    Daily Domainer reports on Kevin Medina, the CEO of the embattled domain registrar RegisterFly, going on the offensive thanks to an unexpected inheritance from an unexpected place:[4]
    Facebook's News Feeds included the following events:[5]
    New feature, "LivePoke": the website "will dispatch a real live person today to poke a friend of your choice. (offer good for only the first 100 pokers in each network)"
    "Harry and Voldemort have set their relationship status to 'Mortal Enemies.'"
    "You are on Facebook, reading your News Feed."
    "Meredith and McDreamy have changed their relationship status to 'It's Complicated' ... oh wait ... 'In a Relationship' ... oh wait ... 'It's Complicated' again."
    "Two of your oxen drowned when you tried to ford the river."
    "Bracket Buster: Ohio State and Florida have mutually agreed on a tie and will not play the championship game."
    GameFAQs's Poll of the Day asks for the best game ever; the catch being that the choices are all games that are considered the worst ever.[6]
    Google announced new services:
    Gmail Paper [7], a free paper archiving service for any and all Gmail messages. Google confesses it is indeed an April Fools' joke on the Gmail Paper Program Policies page.[8]
    Google TiSP (beta), free in-home wireless broadband "via fiber-optic cable strung through your local municipal sewage lines."[9]
    Homestar Runner Wiki, and its partner, Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki, changed their Main Pages to say that the sites had been closed down. However, clicking on the info link below the message would take you to a page requesting help in the Pledge Drive (a drive that helps the sites keep going).
    Inhabitat Posted the news that the Gherkin Tower in London will be installing new green panels, using the Core Hydraulic Integrated Arboury Panel, or Chia panel. [10]
    The Japan Times reported that the famous landmark/meetingplace statue of Hachikō had been stolen, and that a sister city in France had offered to replace it with a bronze poodle.[11]
    LiveJournal announced a number of new MySpace-like features.[12]
    MacRumors created a page of past Apple related stories with a Twist. The new page is titled, "Mac Rumored."[13]
    MetaFilter's "Ask MetaFilter" featured more absurd questions than normal.[14]
    MuggleNet posted fake spoilers from the upcoming novel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.[15]
    myBB stated that they were partnering with Microsoft.[16]
    NASA posted a picture of the "First Space Quidditch Match" on their Astronomy Picture of the Day website.[17]
    Overclockers Australia changed their regular homepage to a blank white page which stating that the "sauce code hacked by mmx bandits".[18] It then redirected to a random web page about cats.
    The Pirate Bay announced on their blog that they are moving all their servers to the North Korean embassy in Stockholm.[19]
    QuakeCon changed focus from computer gaming to seismology and also adopted a circa-1996 web design.
    The Register reported that research reveals mislaid megahertz.[20]
    Slashdot added a Digg- or reddit-like rating system to articles, dubbed SlashRating.[21]
    The fansite http://www.StarTrek-Online.net declared the termination of its coverage of Star Trek Online, choosing instead to favor the new MMORPG, Battlestar Galactica Online
    TechCrunch announced its acquisition of FuckedCompany.com.[22]
    Uncyclopedia replaced their normal front-page with a truthful front page similar to Wikipedia's, linking to semi-related articles.[23]
    Australian broadband site Whirlpool claims new ISP filtering legislation in Australia will block all peer-to-peer traffic from July 1.[24]
    World of Warcraft: Blizzard announced a new "Tinfoil Hat" schematic that would be available to World of Warcraft players in-game. Also, on the official WoW forums, players and Blizzard posters had their avatars and font colors inverted. [25]
    Wookieepedia changed its front page to make it appear as if the site had been renamed "Katarnipedia" (in reference to the character Kyle Katarn). Many of the subjects on the main page were also renamed as Kyle Katarn.[26] In addition, many major character articles were moved (for example, the article on Luke Skywalker was moved to "Wormie", and the article on Dooku was moved to "Dracula").
    Internet retailer Woot.com had Random Crap for sale at $1,000,001.00 and $5 shipping, which is $1,000,000.00 more than usual.
    Xfire replaced random game data in users' profiles, such as Hello Kitty: Cute World and VirtuaKnitter.
    YTMND changed into YSPACE, a parody of MySpace with the site design changed to resemble Blogger's. [27] All the links except for the bottom link bar (which leads to the actual YTMND front page) link to a nonsensical Flash video singing, "You just fell for the trap!"

    On television
    Adult Swim, instead of airing its usual Saturday night anime line-up, aired a new episode of Perfect Hair Forever, followed by the first season of the series shown in reverse order and done in the style of early fansubs complete with the lower generation quality visuals and grammatically incorrect English subtitles. Adult Swim also put what they called "Fan Service Moments" instead of their normal bumps which were shots of fan service from various Adult Swim shows.

    On the radio
    The BBC Radio 4 program Living World program reports that due to global Warming, the Vernal Lanternfish is becoming common in Swannage (sic) on the Dorset coast.

    In sport
    Walsall Football Club announced that English Female International Rachel Unitt has signed a deal to become the first female to play in the football league in 2007/08.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/03/what-up-this-april-fool-day.html
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