Jaycee Admits Stealing Danilo From Aiza

    On DJ Mo's 40 Forbidden Questions last March 21, VIVA Hotbabe Jaycee Parker has confirmed that she once messed around with her friend's boyfriend. The friend she is referring to happens to be Aiza Marquez whose boyfriend then was Danilo Barrios.

    Jaycee Parker has also admitted that she and Danilo Barrios, who's one of the celebrities she mentioned she had slept with, are no longer "on."

    Out of 40, Jaycee answered only 27 questions.

    Here's the interview:

    01 Spit or swallow? – swallow

    02 Part of your body that’s not real?– none

    03 How many one night stands you had ?– three, I remember the names of two of them

    04 Craziest thing done while drunk? – I stopped the car in EDSA and walked, I thought the car was flying. It happened twice.

    05 Craziest place you’ve done it? – I’m a good girl, car lang. Parked in ABS.

    06 Have you ever slept with anyone famous ?- Yes.

    07 Viva Hot Babe you like the least ? Gwen Garci. We had an argument before na hindi nagka-ayos pero okay na ngayon. I used to live in a condo with her, tatlo kami ni Katya. It’s about the room.

    08 Have you ever mess around with one of your friend’s boy friend that she did not know?– yes. I’m not saying the name, its showbiz. Long time ago pa, bad girl pa ako before. More than twice, the others none showbiz.

    09 Girl crush? – Katya Santos and Maui Taylor. I use to live with Katya, I use to sleep on her chest. Nothing happened.

    10 Last time you pleasure yourself ? Last night.

    11 How old were you when you lost your virginity ? 17.

    12 Worst billboard on EDSA ? Alaxan the one with ‘kablam’ and ‘kapow.’

    13 Highest price for an indecent proposal ? house and lot and a car. That’s two different offers. Obviously I did not accept it. The first is a politician, a Mayor. I met them at shows. One said I have a wife but I’m looking for a girlfriend.

    14 Dare: make out with Maui Taylor – Jaycee sat on Maui and kissed her with tongue.

    15 Is there a Jaycee Parker sex tape ?– there is, with Danilo. Danilo has no copies. I have 3 disc compilation.

    16-17 Celebrity emails (one point each)
    Gwen Garci walkingvalium@yahoo.com
    Maui Taylor crushngbayan@yahoo.com

    18 Worst thing done to a fan ? Ignore sa cell phone. Nakuha ang number ko, non stop ang text message.

    19 Fifth message on the cell phone ? ‘Good luck, go 40. Break na kayo ni Danilo? 3 days ago nakasulubong kita sa GMA, may kausap ka sa phone’ (Henri of S Files).

    20-22 Name of famous guys she slept with (one point each)
    Danilo Barrios
    Anton dela Paz, Starstruck batch 1 Avenger
    Duncan Ramos, South Border vocalist
    There are two other stars, they’ve won awards (di kaya isa dyan si Yul Servo, her co-star in Ilusyon?)

    23-24 Dare: show us the puppies – she did. (one point per ‘puppy’)

    25 Name of the girl friend whose boyfriend she messed around – Aiza Marquez, that was six years ago

    26 Bad encounter with a local celebrity – Aiza, three years ago regarding Danilo. (3 years??? but she messed with Danilo six year ago??? confusing answer)

    27 Admit it your gay – tap out. I don’t know anyone. I don’t have the proofs.

    Special thanks to derece of pex.comSource URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/03/jaycee-admits-stealing-danilo-from-aiza.html
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