Two teen stars vie for beauty pageant titles

    Stef Prescott, 17, and Princess Ryan, 18 have been chosen to represent the Philippines in Miss Internet World 2007 and Miss Bikini International 2007 respectively later this year.

    Stef Prescott was a favorite to win in Starstruck 4: The Next Level, a reality talent search on GMA 7, but only to end up in the Top 6 along with another top favorite Paulo Avelino. She is currently being seen in the weekly teen-oriented show Boys Nxt Door, starring with other Starstruck 4 graduates. Having been chosen as the Philippine representative to Miss Internet World 2007 is a bit surprising for a teen star like her, but considering her sophisticated beauty and confidence, Stef is definitely a perfect choice to participate in the said contest, more so in other major international beauty pageants.

    In Miss Internet World 2007, the finalists will be chosen based on online votes. The finalists will then be flown to London for the coronation night, and the grand winner will be chosen by a panel of judges. Voting begins November 4 and ends up November 9, 2007. Updates on the said competition is here and there you can see Stef Prescott already enlisted as one of the contestants.

    Princess Ryan is a member of ABS-CBN's Star Circle Batch 13. Soon after, she was seen with the Hunks in the defunct show Bora and among other appearances in ASAP, Love Spell and Maalaala Mo Kaya. She also co-hosted T.E.E.N.S. with PJ Valerio on ABC 5.

    Princess Ryan is the rumored girlfriend of teen actor Alwyn Uytingco, and she made buzz in the middle of the year when she was pointed out as the cause of break-up between Alwyn and his then girlfriend Jill Yulo.

    Joining in beauty pageants such as Miss Bikini International 2007 is not a surprise though for Princess, because before she became part of Star Magic, she was a contestant in MTB's Miss Global Pinay, representing Ireland.

    Just this month, Princess easily won other 4 finalists in the 3rd Batch of U Can Dance Ver. 2.0 thus making her as one of the grand finalists of the said reality dance contest.

    See Princess dance on this video:

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