Ryan Seacrest, among Forbes' Top 20 Richest TV Celebrities

    American Idol host Ryan Seacrest earned $14 million from June 2006 to June 2007, securing him a spot in the Top 20 Highest Paid TV celebrities by Forbes Magazine.

    Ryan, who's only 34 this December, is a sought-after television host in the US, recently having hosted the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards last September 16.

    As always, TV hostess Oprah Winfrey tops the list again, with an earnings of $260 million.

    1. Oprah Winfrey - $260 million
    2. Jerry Seinfeld - $60 million
    3. Simon Cowell - $45 million
    4. David Letterman - $40 million
    5 & 6. Donald Trump and Jay Leno - $32 million (tie)
    7 & 8. Dr. Phil McGraw and Judy "Judge Judy" Shiendlin, $30 million (tie)
    9. George Lopez, $26 million
    10. Kiefer Sutherland, $22 million
    11. Regis Philbin, $21 million
    12. Tyra Banks, $18 million
    13. Rachael Ray, $16 million,
    14 & 15. Katie Couric and Ellen DeGeneres, $15 million (tie)
    16. Ryan Seacrest, $14 million
    17. Matt Lauer, $13 million
    18 & 19. Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer, $12 million (tie)
    20. Meredith Vieira, $10 million
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/09/ryan-seacrest-among-forbes-top-20.html
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