Dr. Hayden Kho and Katrina Halili, oozing hot in Celebrity Duets

    Dra. Vicky Belo's doctor beau Hayden Kho, Jr. and her patient Katrina Halili was one hot couple, at least for a night, in a sexy song number in Celebrity Duets, Saturday, September 28, 2007.

    Doc Hayden and Katrina, who is hailed by FHM Philippines as the Sexiest Woman for 2007, sizzled together by singing the song Careless Whisper, originally sang by George Michael.

    Had it been Katrina Halili was in bikini and Doc Hayden was in trunks, the show might possibly be banned by MTRCB. That was too hot.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/09/dr-hayden-kho-and-katrina-halili-oozing.html
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