Dr. Hayden Kho, Jr. sings 'Bed of Roses'

    The hunky doctor Hayden Kho surprisingly sang a "very hard to sing" song of Bon Jovi. Hayden sang the song "Bed of Roses" with the world champion broadway singer John Joven, who also performed very well.

    Doc Hayden was wearing a sexy sleeveless shirt with the statement "BODY BELO" and of course, his beau Dra. Vicky Belo was there, all-out cheering for him. Hayden, to complement with the song, was tattooed and he even had himself shirtless after his performance, to the delight of the viewers.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/09/dr-hayden-kho-jr-sings-of-roses.html
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