'Evil' champs at the US Box Office

    Resident Evil: Extinction triumphs in the US Weekend Box Office, topping the chart with an impressive $24 million sales. The previous two Resident Evil movies were able to reach the $100 million mark and for sure, the latest one will duplicate, or even surpass the success of its predecessors.

    September 21-23, 2007

    1. "Resident Evil: Extinction," $24 million.
    2. "Good Luck Chuck," $14 million.
    3. "The Brave One," $7.4 million.
    4. "3:10 to Yuma," $6.35 million.
    5. "Eastern Promises," $5.7 million.
    6. "Sydney White," $5.3 million.
    7. "Mr. Woodcock," $5 million.
    8. "Superbad," $3.1 million.
    9. "The Bourne Ultimatum," $2.8 million.
    10. "Dragon Wars," $2.5 million.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/09/champs-at-us-box-office.html
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