Dino Imperial tops list of 100 Candy Cuties 2007

    From 142 shortlisted nominees for Candy Cuties 2007, they're now down to 100 cuties. The Top 100 Candy Cuties is currently featured at Candy Magazine September 2007 issue with Dino Imperial on its cover.

    1. Dino Imperial, 19 yrs. old
    2. Sam Concepcion, 14 yrs. old
    3. Kean Cipriano, 20 yrs. old
    4. Gerald Anderson, 18 yrs. old
    5. Yael Yuzon, 23 yrs. old
    6. Champ Lui Pio, 25 yrs. old

    The rest of the list coming up....

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/09/dino-imperial-tops-list-of-100-candy.html
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