Miss World 2010 Talent Fast Track finalists chosen

    Some candidates of Miss World 2010 showcased their talents during the
    Talent Prelims held yesterday, October 3, in Beijing.

    Finalists were chosen to compete again for the Talent Fast
    Track on October 26 in Sanya and the winner will earn an automatic slot in the pageant's semis on the 30th.


    It was a busy weekend for the Miss World 2010 candidates. They had photoshoots for a Chinese fashion designer, filmed for the Miss World official website and rehearsed for a presentation in Ordos, Mongolia. But despite the busy-ness, they were given time to tour Beijing and even went shopping.


    Julia Morley to Miss Philippines Czarina Gatbonton: "You're so

    Miss World 2010 contestants
    Miss Spain Fatima Jimenez, Miss Philippines, Miss Puerto Rico Yara Lasanta & Miss Venezuela Adriana Vasini

    Miss Philippines Czarina Gatbonton happily shared to her trainer and handler John dela Vega that Miss World Organization President Julia
    Morley has described her as beautiful.

    Morley said to Czarina, "You're so beautiful, what country are you
    representing?" Czarina replied, "I'm from the Philippines Madamme."

    The compliment is making Miss Philippines inspired. "Tito John, grabe
    ang self-confidence ko ngayon, hindi ako nahihiya at all,
    ganadong-ganado ako at excited at na-meet ko na si Julia Morley - I'm
    beautiful daw!" (Tito John, I have so much self-confidence. I'm not
    ashamed at all. I feel so inspired and excited. I finally met Julia
    Morley and she said I'm beautiful!)

    John dela Vega, who's keeping in touch with Czarina, also shared that
    Czarina gave Morley a pearl necklace a day after they first met. Some media men and MWO staff reportedly have mistaken Miss Philippines as
    Miss India.


    Miss World 2010 Schedule of Events

    Oct. 3-6 Tour in Beijing (Great Wall of China; Bird Nest; Beijing Olympic Stadium)
    Oct. 6-8 Tour in Ordos, Inner Mongolia (Genghis Khan Mausoleum; Grass Plains)
    Oct. 8-11 Tour in Shanghai (Shanghai Expo 2010; Huangpu River; Yu Garden)
    Oct. 11 Travel to Sanya City (Cycling Race; Miss World City Parade; Welcome Dinner at Crowne Plaza)
    Oct. 12-16 Rehearsals for the Final Show & Beach Beauty Filming
    Oct. 16 Beach Beauty Fast Track
    Oct. 17 Final Show & Talent Finals Rehearsals
    Oct. 18 Miss Sports Fast Track
    Oct. 19-20 Fashion Show Rehearsals
    Oct. 20 Sanya WPGA Tournament & MW Fun Golf Match
    Oct. 21-22 Final Show & Fashion Show Rehearsals
    Oct. 23 Chinese Fashion Show / Top Model Fast Track
    Oct. 26 Miss Talent Fast Track
    Oct. 27 Beach Volleyball Fun Game; Final Show Rehearsals
    Oct. 28-29 Rehearsals for the Finals; Dress Rehearsals
    Oct. 30 Miss World 2010 Finals; Coronation Ball

    [Vote for your favorite candidates at Mykiru's Fun Poll]

    Photo courtesy of Global Beauties
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/10/miss-world-2010-talent-fast-track.html
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