Beyonce is pregnant | People need pictures of a pregnant Beyonce!

    "Single Ladies" singer Beyoncé is rumored as pregnant for the 2nd time this 2010 and for the nth time during the last 5 years.

    US Weekly Magazine is reporting that Beyonce is indeed pregnant with her first child with Jay-Z. And reportedly, it was unexpected for Beyonce and she wasn't ready to get pregnant.

    "B was shocked. She loves kids but she wasn't ready to be a mother just yet," an unnamed source told US Weekly.

    But Beyoncé's mom Tina Knowles is quick to deny the pregnancy rumor. According to TMZ, Beyonce is not pregnant as revealed by Tina on the next episode of Ellen DeGeneres' show.

    With Beyonce being reported as pregnant countless times, people now don't easily believe it. We have to see pictures first of a pregnant Beyoncé or better if Beyoncé and Jay-Z themselves would confirm that they're indeed expecting a baby.

    Can you imagine? If all pregnancy rumors about Beyonce were true, she probably is already a mother of more than 5 kids.
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