Jon Hall gets the boot on Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown

    Model Jon Hall becomes the first Jury member of Survivor Philippines
    Celebrity Showdown after he was voted off tonight by the newly-merged tribal council.

    That just means Jon has left his girlfriend Michelle Madrigal in the game, all alone with no more alliance and no one to hold on to.

    What happened in the elimination was actually 8 castaways against Jon and Michelle.

    Ahron Villena, Aira Bermudez, Moi Marcampo and Solenn Heussaff voted
    off Jon while Aubrey Miles, Ervic Vijandre, Akihiro Sato and Elma
    Muros voted against Michelle.

    Jon and Michelle, who both wanted Aubrey out, each received 4 vote off points. But before the votes were counted, Jon passed his immunity
    bracelet to Michelle which later saved her from being eliminated.

    As a result, it was Jon who got the boot. But at least, he became a
    hero for his girlfriend and he's so admirable for that.
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