Carol Banawa sings "Till My Heartaches End", theme song of Kimerald's new film

    The music video of Carol Banawa's own rendition of "Till My Heartaches
    End" has been released last night, right after TV Patrol and before Noah.

    Carol's version is lighter and requiring less emotion than the
    original version by Ella Mae Saison and even the revival of the
    Passage, which were kinda heavy to sing and was like you wanna cry as you sing it. But I like all the three versions.

    It's one of my favorite karaoke songs even if I could hardly hit the high
    notes. And I love it even more now that it's being used as a theme song for the new Kimerald movie. Watch!

    Till My Heartaches End stars Kim Chiu and Gerald Anderson under the direction of Jose Javier Reyes. It also stars Kakai Bautista, Eda Nolan, Manuel Chua, Niña Dolino, Martin del Rosario, Jaco Benin and more.

    Let's all rush to theaters and watch the movie on October 27, 2010.

    Till My Heartaches End Movie Poster

    Video and poster courtesy of ABS-CBN and Star Cinema

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