Miss Norway Mariann Birkedal is Miss World 2010 Top Model winner

    Miss Norway Mariann Birkedal has just won the Miss World 2010 Top
    Model competition held earlier tonight.

    Miss Norway also placed in the previous two fast-track events held
    prior to the Top Model. She was 3rd in the Beach Beauty event (won by
    Puerto Rico) and also 3rd in the Sports fast-track (won by Northern

    Puerto Rico, Northern Ireland and Norway are now guaranteed with a spot in the finals on October 30.

    The Top Model Fast Track Results:

    Winner - NORWAY, Mariann Birkedal

    2nd Place - RUSSIA, Irina Sharipova

    3rd Place - UNITED STATES, Alexandria Mills

    TOP 20:
    ARGENTINA, Mariana Arambarry
    BELGIUM, Cilou Annys
    BOTSWANA, Emma Wareus
    CHINA PR, Xiao Tang
    ETHIOPIA, Hiwot Assefa Tesfaye
    FRENCH POLYNESIA, Mihilani Teixeira
    GHANA, Mimi Areme
    INDIA, Manasvi Mamgai
    SLOVAKIA, Marina Georgievova
    SOUTH AFRICA, Nicole Flint
    SPAIN, Fatima Jimenez
    ST. LUCIA, Aiasha Gustave
    SWEDEN, Daniela Karlsson
    THAILAND, Yuwaret Sirirat Rueangsri
    UKRAINE, Ekaterina Zakharchenko
    VENEZUELA, Adriana Vasini
    ZIMBABWE, Samantha Tshuma

    The Top Model results were highly favorable because most of the big favorites are there.

    And in the past years since the Top Model fast-track started in 2007, all of the runner-ups in the said event also ended up as semi-finalists. If the trend continues this 2010, therefore we should expect Russia and USA to also make it to the semis.

    Photo and results courtesy of MWO
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/10/miss-norway-mariann-birkedal-is-miss.html
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