Miss World 2010 Beach Beauty Fast Track on Saturday

    The first fast track event for the Miss World 2010 pageant happens this Saturday, October 16.

    It's the Beach Beauty Fast Track where the candidates will compete in swimsuit and try to win the "Beach Beauty" title.

    The Beach Beauty winner will earn an automatic semi-final slot on October 30.

    On Tuesday, the delegates already showed us a preview of what to expect in the Beach Beauty competition when they all splashed on the pool to film a special video segment for the October 30 finals.

    Check out some of the beauties in their swimwear:

    PUERTO RICO, Yara Lasanta Santiago

    NORWAY, Mariann Birkedal

    BOLIVIA, Maria Teresa Roca Cordova

    MARTINIQUE, Tully Fremcourt

    ANGOLA, Ivaniltan Jones

    KOREA, Kim Hye-young

    [Vote for your favorite candidates at Mykiru's Fun Poll]

    Photos courtesy of Miss World Organization
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/10/miss-world-2010-beach-beauty-fast-track.html
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