posts alleged Brett Favre scandal photos | s-xting pics

    Sports website posted scandal photos, allegedly cellphone pics by American football player Brett Favre to former Playboy model Jenn Sterger.

    Brett Favre sexting pics allegedly sent to Jenn Sterger

    It's not a nice birthday gift for Brett who just turned 41 last 10-10-10.

    Brett Favre, a married man for 14 years, was a former player for New York Jets and is currently a player for the Minnesota Vikings in the National Football League (NFL) while Jenn Sterger, 26, is a model and TV personality, who was once a reporter for the New York Jets.

    According to, the alleged scandal photos of Brett Favre, showing private parts, as well as suggestive voicemail and text messages were sent to Jenn Sterger who was led to believe that it was really Brett Favre.

    Therefore, it's unsure whether it really came from Brett, but NFL is
    already investigating on the matter.

    If proven that Brett indeed has committed a misconduct, he'll be given a proper sanction or punishment by NFL.

    Goodluck Brett! I hope it's not really you!

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