Mister International 2008 Photos

    Taiwan, November 14-24, 2008


    Lebanon, Mohamad Chamseddine; Vietnam, Ngo Tien Doan; Singapore, Ken Lim

    Malta, Andrei Grech; Luxembourg, Gert de Winne

    Korea, Park Jung Wan; USA, Ivan Rusilko; Greece, Dimitris Tsilis

    Croatia, Mihovil Barun; France, Patrick Beck

    China, Zhang Chao; Brazil, Marciel Moreno Mendes

    Belgium, Koen Van De Voorde; Angola, Claudio Fortado

    Venezuela, Marco Antonio Chinea Franco; Philippines, Ryan Roberts

    Based on the above photos, it seems like the contestants from Luxembourg, Belgium, Croatia, Angola, USA, Greece and Brazil stand out above the rest.

    Mister Philippines Ryan Roberts could have been a strong contender for the title, but unfortunately, he was already replaced by Jeff Surio, who has just arrived in Taiwan this morning.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2008/11/mister-international-2008-photos.html
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