The ring was lot because a certain staff of Miss Earth Organization accidentally dropped it in the water.
According to Deejing, the ring is of great sentimental value because it's a family ring, that has been passed on by her grandma to her mother then to her.
With the help of Alaminos City Mayor Hernani Braganza, the ring was found a day after, when 5 divers searched for the ring, which was found to be buried 12 inches deeper at the underwater sand.
To give credit, the five divers were named Romeo Donato, Jun Eliseff, Leonil Mabanta, Leonardo Mapanaw and Paul Viray.
What a heroic act indeed for Braganza and his team!
And what was the reward?
The diver who found the ring was given "a warm hug" from the Thai beauty, who is one of the big favorites for the Miss Earth 2008 title.
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2008/11/miss-thailand-earth-2008-and-her.html
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