Two Harry Potter characters will die

    It's only three days to go before July 21, the most awaited release of the last book of Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

    Fans are eager to know whether who will die as confirmed by the author himself J.K. Rowling that two major characters will die in Book 7. Will it be Harry and Hermione?

    No one knows exactly for now and all these queries will be answered on July 21st, 12:01 AM.

    Lately, so many sites have come out to spoil Harry Potter's ending. It's up to you to believe.

    On the site, it says one of the trio (Harry, Hermione and Ron) will die and that is Ron. It also enumerates death of Lupin, Percy, Voldemort and Snape.

    While in, it spoils that Voldemort killed Hermione while protecting Ron.

    Keith Olbermann of MSNBC.COM points out that Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort will kill one another and only one of them lives. He insists it wouldn't be Harry because if fans find out that Harry Potter dies in the end, no one will ever gonna watch the current Harry Potter movie and the two more installments sometime in 2008 and 2010. He has a valid point there. It would negatively affect box-office performance of the upcoming Harry Potter movies once the final book has Harry dying in the end.

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