MTQI 2007 Candidates Arrival

    Set to break world pageant records, Miss Tourism Queen International 2007 is now up in Zhengzhou, China as the candidates have already arrived to represent their respective countries and be ambassadors for tourism.

    Miss Tourism Queen International 2007 contestants upon arrival

    Miss Singapore Naazrina Shaikh Mohamed at the airport

    Miss Colombia Glendy Zahira Benavides

    And on the last day of the arrival, July 9th, the candidates had their shoot for their national costumes and evening gowns parade:

    Very noticeable Miss Armenia (because of the sash) is participating for the first time. Miss Armenia Marine Avetyan was a contestant in 2007 Top Model of the World held last February also in China. Photo from MTQI.COM

    Over 100 candidates are participating in the event. The exact number is yet to be known, but if the 111 candidates will be confirmed, it will break Miss World's record for having the biggest number of participating candidates in history.

    There are a lot of stunning girls around and based on pre-pageant photos, here are the candidates who are most likely to make good impressions on the coming days (in random order): Miss Albania, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Costa Rica, America (U.S. of), Bolivia, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Fernando De Noronha, Bahamas, China, Cuba, El Salvador, Georgia, Armenia, Colombia, Denmark, India, Luxembourg, Nicaragua (Miss Universe 2007 Top 10 Finalist), Pakistan, Panama, Slovak Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Philippines, Romania, Spain, Borneo East Malaysia, Croatia, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Ghana, Greece, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Macedonia F.Y.R, Moldova, Mongolia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru and Turkey.

    Stay tuned for the Hot Favorites list and your most awaited poll on the coming days!
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