Emma Watson's brother

    The little brother of Emma Watson or Hermiogne of Harry Potter series is also popular both in the UK and in the US, even if he does not have the same celebrity status with his beautiful sister.

    Alex Watson is three years younger than Emma, who is now 17. And upon looking at his photos, now I know the reason why he also has fans of his own. He is such a captivating cute boy, just like his pretty lovely sister. I've heard he's also interesting in acting and Alex as an actor, like Emma, is not far from being possible.

    Here's a funny video of Alex and his friend Ben:

    Photo credits: http://ihwmedia.fan-sites.org/ and http://www.unforgivable-curses.net/family.php

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/07/emma-watson-brother.html
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