MTQI 2007 Update: Latina and Aussie win special awards

    Former Miss Universe 2007 candidate Uma Blasini of Puerto Rico wins Best in Evening Gown, one of the special awards of Miss Tourism Queen International 2007.

    Miss Czech Republic Martina Besikova and other candidates sporting their respective evening gowns.

    The reigning Miss Tourism Queen International Justine Gabionza of the Philippines shows she is still the best of them all.

    One of the pageant favorites, Miss Thailand Vasana Wongbuntree gracefully walks her way in front of the Chinese people.

    Miss Australia Amy Jane Sutton snatches one very special award, the Best in Bikini, besting 107 other sexy candidates. The runners-up: Tamara Almeida Silva (Miss Fernando de Noronha - 1st Runner Up), Shadée Braun (Miss Curaçao) and Edlira Mema (Miss Albania) (tie as 2nd Runner Up). Sutton is currently leading the Miss Internet Popularity official poll and Mykiru's Hot Favorites fun poll.

    FYI: Previous recipients of Miss Bikini and Best in Evening Gown in Miss Tourism Queen International in the past three years do not necessarily secure a spot in the finals. To count, only one Miss Bikini awardee made it and it was Miss Slovak Republic who ended as 4th Runner Up in 2004. No other Miss Bikini and Gown awardees made it to the Top 16.

    Photos courtesy of and

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