Harry's first kiss

    It's not Daniel Radcliffe's first kiss, but it's a first for Harry Potter.

    Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, gets his very first kiss with co-star Katie Leung in the upcoming movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to be shown later this month.

    The kiss, which had 30 takes, turned out to be an emotional scene especially to those who were there during the shoot, those who have been with the boy since he was 10 years old.

    As for Katie, "Daniel is a good kisser."

    Daniel Radcliffe actually had his first on-screen kiss in "December Boys" already shown on TV but soon to be seen in theaters in September.

    Here's Daniel's first kiss in the movie "December Boys:"

    while this one is Harry Potter's first kiss:

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/07/harry-first-kiss.html
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